This truly is a webbed site


My name is Terezi, Mike, or Toxic! I like so many medias that I don't even know where to start, but I keep an updated list somewhere, so there's always that! I'm learning coding, slowly, and I'm pretty happy that I've managed to fumble my way through creating this website, even with the help of a few tutorials. Mostly old Reddit posts, so a big thanks to the people from 12 years ago who were having the same problems as me!

I really like MSPA though, that deserves to be on here. I also really like liminal spaces and liminal space photography.

I have three cats and a dog. I live in Australia, I'm autistic, posic, objectkin, otherkin, and theriomythic. I'm 16.

It/ze/they/he/net/virus/bug pronouns please >:]

My Links :]


Pronoun Page

Tumblr Main

Puter Boy Tumblr Blog >:]

Liminal Spaces Tumblr Blog

Here's one cat! This is Shego.

I haven't seen Kim Possible, she just came with that name.